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Book Recommendation: Today Matters by John C. Maxwell


Hope you're well.

I wanted to quickly share with you a book I've been reading over the past couple of months.  It is called Today Matters by John C. Maxwell.

In Today Matters, Maxwell advises that "the secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. Make the decision once, then manage it daily. Successful people make the right decisions early and manage those decisions daily."

He identifies 12 areas of life in which he believes the right decisions should be made. Once made, these decisions should be practised on a daily basis.

I particularly enjoyed chapter 7 - Today's Thinking Gives Me An Advantage. John outlines various types of thinking including intentional thinking, big-picture thinking, creative thinking, etc. He explains the benefit of finding a time and space to practise the habit of good thinking daily. For me, my focus right now is intentional and creative thinking.

You can purchase your copy of Today Matters from John's website or online stores like Amazon etc.



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