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Update and 90 Day Challenge


I trust you are well.

For some time now I've been desiring to simplify my life and environment as I seem to have accumulated so much and it dawned on me that I've held onto some of these items for years just waiting for the perfect occasion. I'm sure some of you can identify with this, you see something, buy it, use it a few times before moving on to the next thing that catches your fancy and in the process, you end up with more than you need.

To help me tackle this problem I started giving some of these items to charity but I in doing so I began desiring simplicity in everything, especially in my surroundings. Then I stumbled on a YouTube vlog series called "the 30 day minimalist challenge". The challenge aims to encourage participants to declutter and simplify by getting rid of unwanted items in the home that corresponds to the number of the day you're on.

Day 1 - 1 item
Day 2 - 2 items, etc.

You guessed it, I hopped on this wagon and started the challenge but I've missed some days, so to help me be consistent I've decided to post pictures daily of the things I'm ridding myself of.

I'll start Day 1 tomorrow.



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