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Are you feeling discouraged?

Photo by Oliver Cole on Unsplash
Hope deferred makes the heart sick - Proverbs 13:12a

Have you ever felt discouraged?  

If you have, what did you do to get out of that phase, especially in times when you feel that your dream is taking forever to manifest in your reality?

I'm realising that in the growth process/journey you will encounter discouragement for various reasons. It is what you do when you experience discouragement that matters.

Here are a few things I do, some more than others, which you may find helpful.

  1. Examine your environment - this is so key, your environment can make or break you. 
  2. Check who you're listening - do you have individuals you trust who can give good counsel? Coaches, mentors, friends, family etc.
  3. What information are you consuming - I try to listen to motivational messages, podcasts, Audiobooks, books, talks, seminars etc.
  4. Who are you pouring into? Do you mentor or guide anyone? I find that doing this brings a sense of fulfilment
  5. Are you walking in your purpose? Have you discovered what your calling is or are you on the journey of discovering your purpose?
  6. Are you keeping your vision before you? Is your vision clear to you and well documented?
Spend some time going through these questions. It may help you understand why you're feeling discouraged and give ideas on how you can begin to dig yourself out.

I'd love to hear from you about what you do to get back up when you're feeling discouraged.



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