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Have you ever experienced a setback or obstacles in your journey to success?

Photo by Makarios Tang on Unsplash

Have you ever experienced a setback or obstacles in your journey to success? 

I'm currently listening to an audiobook by Brian Tracy on the power of self-discipline: No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline for Success in Your LifeIn it, Brian makes a bold assertion that  

"Setbacks are speed bumps on the way to success"

Setbacks are a reality of life, it is our response to setbacks that make all the difference. 

I vividly remember a setback I experienced years ago. I'd applied for a role which I thought I was guaranteed to get but didn't and it knocked my confidence completely. I became bitter, feeling like a great injustice had been done to me. I lost all motivation to complete my day to day tasks.  

However, after much reflection, I realised that I'd succumbed to the entitlement mindset and I was not owed anything. After more reflection, I picked up some a more life lessons, adjusted my attitude and in a matter of weeks secured my first contract role after years of searching for a higher paid role.

Experiencing that setback thought me while change is inevitable, I have the power to choose my response to it. Please note that I'm not advocating that you deny the emotions that accompany these experiences. I'm simply pointing out the power we have over these situations as they come.

What setbacks have you experienced and what was your response to it? Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you.



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