Hello Yesterday I hinted that I've experienced some struggles in setting and maintaining habits. This really baffles me because I know I'm a great starter, but for whatever reason, until now, I've found it hard to follow through to the complete end. I've been listening to a brilliant series on the habits by Pastor Chris Groeschel, Life.Church. You can listen here - Habits . He explains that successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally . Hearing it put that way was a light bulb moment for me. While I'm good at starting things, I often get to that point I'm sure many do, where I've felt like, hey I've got it together, take a break, only to realise 1, 2, or even months or with this blog, a year down the line that I've lost my focus or worst still gone completely off track. I realise that I was mistaking my early success for an established habit. Success in this context of habits isn't just about the attainment of a desired ou...