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Think outside the box


I recently finished reading a book by John C. Maxwell titled The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. In it, John identifies the law of curiosity as one of the 15 invaluable laws of growth. 

Reading the chapter on this law was really an eye opener for me. 

John put forward the idea that curiosity is the key for lifelong learning. He also explains that 'the way we approach life and learning has nothing to do with age but everything to do with attitude. Having a beginner's mindset means wondering why and asking lots of questions until you get answers.'

The main point that stood out for me centred on the benefits of asking questions continuously. He challenges the general perception of situations and suggests some questions to encourage the curiosity mindset, which really is a mindset of asking questions. The questions are:
  • If it ain't broke, how can we make it better? The general view is usually why fix it. 
  • If it ain't broke, when is it likely to break in the future? This is future planning, not leaving the future to chance.
  • If it ain't broke, how long will it serve as the world changes? When is it likely to reach its use by date? If this information early enough, plans for a replacement can be put in place.
Having a curious mindset opens up the pathway to continuous improvement.

As we work our way through the second half of the year, having a mindset of continuous learning will ensure continuous improvement. 

This is the path I'm committed to, and I look forward to sharing my progress with you as we approach the latter months of the year.



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