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Slay Doubt Challenge - Next Steps

Happy Friday 

I am so looking forward to an idyllic weekend. I have nothing planned other than to complete my scheduled workout and meal prep for the coming week. 

I've finally come to the end of my reflections and learning from Detola Amure's Slay Doubt Challenge, adapted from her book, Slay Doubt!: How to recognise and confidently manifest God’s calling on your life

You can connect with Detola via any of her social media handles
Instagram - @detolaamure

I hope something I've shared has provoked you to take some action. For you, it could be as simple as getting a copy of the book on Amazon, signing up for the next round of the challenge or even revisiting an old passion or dream, knowing your nation awaits your emergence. The options are endless.

If you have, please drop me a line in the comments section, I'd be interested to know.

My immediate next steps include taking time out to do some internal heart work. I've put it off for some time now, but I truly believe this is the right time, more so as what better time than now when we've just entered the second half of the year. 

It has been such fun sharing my reflections with you, 

Till my next post (tomorrow😊), have a wonderful evening.



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