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Let's talk about habits (pt 2)


Yesterday I hinted that I've experienced some struggles in setting and maintaining habits. This really baffles me because I know I'm a great starter, but for whatever reason, until now, I've found it hard to follow through to the complete end. 

I've been listening to a brilliant series on the habits by Pastor Chris Groeschel, Life.Church. You can listen here - Habits. He explains that successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally.

Hearing it put that way was a light bulb moment for me. While I'm good at starting things, I often get to that point I'm sure many do, where I've felt like, hey I've got it together, take a break, only to realise 1, 2, or even months or with this blog, a year down the line that I've lost my focus or worst still gone completely off track.

I realise that I was mistaking my early success for an established habit. Success in this context of habits isn't just about the attainment of a desired outcome. Success here is the ability to keep doing a series of steps / activities / tasks consistently, resulting in a lasting outcome. 

For me, this means making lifelong daily commitments in key areas of my life. This is the only way I will succeed. This may look like:
  • Spiritual life - I draw closer to God and develop an intimate relationship with Him by I give the best part of my day, spending time in prayer and bible study.
  • Health - as an excellent steward of the body God has given me, I exercise daily to ensure I am physically fit and energised to carry out the assignment God has given me.
  • Work - I honor God by bringing my best self to work and being diligent and honest in what my employers commit to me.
These are just some examples, for you it may look different. I encourage you to check out the teaching I mentioned above.

Tomorrow we will continue this thought.



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