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Slay Doubt Challenge - Chapter 1 Reflections

Before you can confidently manifest God’s calling on your life, you need to recognise what it is. Some people see their calling as their vocation or job, but your calling is much more than that.

A calling according to the Bible means an invitation. God's call is the purpose for which you exist. It is the reason why you were created. It is God's mandate for your life…His assignment for you to do on earth. 

This is such a loaded chapter. It highlights a very poignant point.  We've all been created with not just a general calling to bring glory to God, but also with a specific calling.

During the daily live broadcast on Facebook, I remember the sudden realisation that the assignment I have on the earth is not about me but about God's ultimate plan.

Sounds simple, right? But that awareness, although not new, has liberated me so much. 

I realised that along the way I'd lost sight of the bigger picture (God's assignment). I'd somehow become so caught up in my day-to-day activities, the accomplishment of my goals and dreams, and my life experiences. That awareness felt like chains falling off in my mind. Maybe it was what I needed to hear that day, but let me tell you, something shifted deep within me. 

Sometimes we go through things that knock our confidence to the point we even doubt our purpose and calling. This chapter shows that:
  • God put us on the earth to do more than occupy space - this speaks to our relevance.
  • God created us the way we are because of our unique assignment and calling - this speaks to our assignment on the earth.
Right now you may feel lost in all the noise or overwhelmed with life, or perhaps you're lacking in confidence because of the knocks life's thrown at you. I want to assure you that all these things haven't erased your specific assignment on the earth. You are uniquely shaped for your assignment. You are relevant and you have what it take to fulfil your assignment.

That's it for today. I encourage you to get the book if you haven't done so.



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