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Slay Doubt Challenge - Chapter 4 Reflections (pt 2)

Good evening all

Hope you had a splendid day today. 

Today I continue with my reflections from the Slay Doubt challenge based on Slay Doubt book by Detola Amure

Your calling feeds into God's agenda... 
Your calling fits into a bigger picture… 
Your calling is bigger than you… 
Your calling is not about you… 
Your calling is about what God wants to achieve on this earth…
Your calling is about declaring God's greatness on the earth…

It made me realise that in my quest to fulfil the assignment, I'd made it all about me. My calling, my talent, my purpose, my time, me, me, me. Whilst I am the vessel, the assignment fits into a purpose that is much higher than me. God's plan.

I am a vessel God has chosen to use to fit into His plan, the plan to make His Name known on the earth, to bring people into His kingdom, bringing glory to Him. It is a privilege to be part of His plan and the minute I think it is about me, an easy to do, is when the assignment becomes burdensome and tedious.

This chapter was like a wake-up call for me. It was a reminder of the capacity and ability God has placed inside me to handle the challenges that will inevitably come on the journey to fulfilling my unique assignment.

It was a wonderful reminder that because the calling is God's; I need not rely on my natural strength alone, but on His supernatural strength, provided by His Holy Spirit.

My action plan is to spend more time with the Holy Spirit by praying consistently and meditating on His word (the Bible) daily.

That's it for today. 



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