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Slay Doubt Challenge - Chapter 2 Reflections

Doubting that you have been called, often comes from thinking that you have nothing to offer, or that what you have to offer is not relevant. 


This was another liberating chapter for me. 

Having reinforced the point that I have something to offer, notwithstanding the noise out there in the world, brought so much peace to my heart.

Those close to me know how much anxiety I've experienced learning to trust, believe and step into what I believe God, the creator of the universe and everything I know shaped me to be. And why? I believed wrongly that since others had already gone ahead of me, I couldn't possibly offer anything more. 

Until fairly recently, it had become relatively easy and routine to disqualify myself and my desires. I'd hear myself say things like:
I can't do it because so and so are already doing it
I'm not good enough
I'm not the best
I don't have what it takes
They'll think I'm a fraud

Does any of that resonate with you? 

If I'm being honest, I can't even tell you how and when I fell into such low-level thinking,  but fall I did. 

It doesn't matter if a million people are already doing what you have been called to do. Your nation can feel your absence and are eagerly waiting for you to help them because of the uniqueness you have.

During the challenge, Detola explained that it is an injustice to mankind to pull back from my unique calling. That someone is doing something similar isn't a strong enough the reason to deny my nation my presence and expression.

My calling is relevant. Somebody out there needs me and they are waiting for me to show up.

It doesn't matter how many people seem to do what you and I are shaped to do. What matters most is that we obey the calling, because the calling is relevant. 

God deposited something precious deep within and the world is waiting for our manifestation.

See you tomorrow



  1. Indeed! My calling is relevant- someone out there needs me! Enjoying reading your reflections from the Slay Doubt Book.

    1. Aww thanks sis, the challenge came at just the right time for me


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