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Slay Doubt Challenge - Chapter 8 Reflections

We've reached Chapter 8 of Slay Doubt, can you believe it? 

Phew, what a journey it's been for me, I'm hoping you've gleaned something of value or better yet, picked up a copy of the book. It is such a power-packed book and I'm so grateful to Detola for writing this book.

Embrace Your Unique Project

Sometimes, you need to be discreet about what God is sharing with you. It is not everything God tells you, that you need to share, except God permits you to. A lot of projects, dreams, and visions have been prematurely aborted because they were shared with the wrong people. Being discreet and discerning is key when it comes to confidently manifesting God’s calling on your life.

This statement carries so much weight. I've seen it play out in my life.

Sometimes when you open up prematurely or to the wrong person, it can abort the dream. 

I remember many years ago I expressed a desire to do something in line with one of my passions. A statement uttered carelessly quenched the fire I had, and it's taken a significant amount of time to get back on track and to that place of believing I am not only able but have what it takes to walk the path of my dream.

Detola advised us of the need to do quickly that which has been committed into our hands as quickly as possible, so the assignment doesn't get passed to another. 

That was a wake-up call for me. I had to be honest with myself and ask what I've been doing with the unique assignment God has committed to me. It made me understand the need to always work with a sense of urgency, doing the needful now, which if I'm being honest, I've not always done. Even the Bible attests to this in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3, verse 1. It says that "There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth".

I'm therefore committed to stepping outside of my comfort zone to fulfil my assignment and bring glory to my Father God despite the challenges I face along the way. 

The dream is worth fighting for, so don't give up, keep going.



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