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Slay Doubt Challenge - Chapter 5 Reflections

Slay Doubt by Detola Amure

Invest in your calling.

Many of us are waiting on God to do something, but God is waiting on us to prepare for the journey ahead. We do this by investing in ourselves. What does it mean to invest in yourself? It means to educate yourself continually, especially in the areas of personal growth, your skills and your craft.

The day you stop investing in yourself is the day you begin to die. If you don’t invest in yourself, no one else will, and the truth is most people will only invest their time and resources in you when they see that you are investing in yourself.

This was such a great chapter to read. Detola helped us understand the value of investing, in whatever way, in the vision/calling. As I went through the live class, I mentally reviewed my progress over the years and could identify how a lack of investment in my calling has delayed growth in specific areas of my life.

As sobering as that was, it showed me I'm now on the right path, having taken steps to invest in my growth and ultimately my calling. I recently over the last year engaged the services of a coach and it has been phenomenal. Having a coach is helping me see the areas of my life I need to focus on for greater impact. It is also showing me areas of my life that need developing. It is also helping me identify abilities I didn't realise I had. I can see growth already and I'm excited about the future.

I attended a virtual summit recently, and one thing I heard said repeatedly was the importance of having coaches and mentors, and this was coming from successful entrepreneurs, millionaires, game-changers. 

Investing in your calling in most cases not only requires a financial commitment but also a time investment. There is no magic potion to get you where you want, you just need to put in the work required. 

Not too long ago, I read the story of a 40-year-old woman who decided to train to be a nurse. It was a six-year commitment. When asked why at that age, do you know what her reply was? She said she either do the course and become a nurse at the end of the six years or do nothing. Either way, she would be 46 years old. That blew my mind. We have no control over time, but we can control what we do with the time we have. I think investing in the calling is much the same. I'm learning the benefits of making the sacrifice early because that investment will eventually yield compounding results.

If you don't have a coach or a mentor or cannot afford the one you’d like , I encourage you to start by digesting all their material - listen to their podcasts, get their books, consume all their products and you'll be amazed by the progress you make.

That's it for today



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