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Slay Doubt Challenge - Chapter 10 Reflections

Slay Doubt by Detola Amure
Evening guys

Hope you've had a splendid start to the week. The weather may not be great at the minute, but I'm thankful for the opportunity to write and share my thoughts with you.

Today I continue my reflections from Slay Doubt by Detola Amure. You can get your copy here - Slay Doubt.

Are you being selfish?
"Many of us are so concerned about our reputation, or about what others think, or about being ridiculed or rejected, or about making a mistake in public that we would rather hide and live miserably than step into our calling."

This chapter examined selfishness and how it plays out in our lives when we're not slaying doubt.

In the book, Detola listed out some definitions of what it means to be selfish. Webster's Dictionary of American English defines being selfish as 'regarding one's own interest chiefly or soley; influenced in actions by a view to private advantage.'

This is instructive. In the earlier chapters, we learnt that the calling isn't about us and so when we focus on ourselves we are prone to fall into selfishness in all its varied forms. It can manifest as fear, doubt, lack of confidence, etc. I can honestly say that I've seen some of this play out in me (what an eye-opener).

Being selfish and the fear of failure comes from a lack mentality and the way to correct this is to have the correct view of God.

I am qualified because God called me. However, I learnt that for every time in I insist on being selfish with my gift, regardless of however that manifests (fear, anxiety, doubt, worry, etc.) I slow down or perhaps even stop my growth. It reminded me that to live the life God has for me requires that I constantly need to die to self, i.e. the lower nature of man and it is a daily process.



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